Returns, Refunds and Replacements

Frequently asked questions about returns, refunds and replacements

What can I return?

You may request returns for items you buy from sellers listed on that are within the return window, except those that are explicitly identified as not returnable on the product detail page and/or MySocially Returns policy.

Note: Items purchased on MySocially can be either refundable or replacement only. In case an item is a Replacement Only item, then the customer will receive a replacement product, provided if the item it is available with the seller and when it becomes available, per MySocially Replacement policy

If an item is refundable, then then the customer will receive a refund per MySocially Refund policy

How to return items?

Go to Order History to initiate a return.

What are the return guidelines?

Following are the return guidelines: 

  1. The item that you wish to return must be eligible for return.
  2. If the return is not eligible for Pickup, a Self-Return option will be given.
  3. Once the return is received, you will, in accordance with MySocially Refund Policy, be issued a refund to your original payment method.

For Pay on Delivery orders, refunds will be processed to your bank account (via National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)).

For more details, please see our Return Pick up and Self Ship Guidelines.

How can I track my return?

To view the return status: 

  1. Locate the item from Returns section in My Account
  2. Select Return order to view details

When will I get my refund?

Following are the refund processing timelines after the item is received by MySocially or the Seller notifies us of the receipt of the return:

Credit/ Debit Card: 5-7 Business Days

NetBanking: 5-7 Business Days

UPI Linked Bank Account: 5-7 Business Days

NEFT to Bank Account: 5-7 Business Days

Can my order be replaced?

If the item you ordered arrived in a physically damaged or defective condition or is different from their description on the product detail page , or has missing parts or accessories, it will be eligible for a free replacement, provided the exact item is available with the same seller.

For more details, please see MySocially Replacement Policy.

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